How to use the site

This program is designed for athletes that have already made it through an introductory program and are ready for the next level.

Push yourself, but never get outside yourself. Be consistent. Make sure that you're trying to attain the posted weights, but understand that these are goals. If you're not able to complete the exercise safely, DECREASE the load. Stay safe. Please post any questions or comments. From here, it's possible.

"Strength & Skill Practice" is to be done at a control pace. Practice form and executing the set with perfect form for the prescribed number of reps. Scale the weights to your own ability level but push yourself. Rest as long as needed to recover between sets.

"Conditioning" is usually done for time. This is not an excuse to let your form diminish. For exercises involving weight and goal or prescribed weight will be provided, but scale back the weight based on your own personal ability level.

"Endurance" are cardiovascular routines designed to work on specific cardiovascular skills. These should be performed with as much intensity as possible (all out efforts).

Saturday 1-31-15

2 rounds of... 
50 situps 
45 KB Taters - 53/35 lbs 
40 steps OH Lunge - 45/25 lbs 
35 box Jump overs - 24/20 
30/20 Plyo Push-ups 
*Every 3:00 Run 200 meters

Friday 1-30-15

Skill & Strength: 
DB Rows 
3 x 8-10 each side 
3 x 10-15 each side 
SL (Single Leg) Deadlift 
4 x 8-10 each side 

5 Rounds... 
5 Inchworms 
10 Plyo Lunge 
15 Calroies Row 
20 Situps 

Run, Row, Bike, Swim 
2:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
5:00 ON. 
max distance 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
5-7 sets... 
Hang Sntach + OHS 
5-7 sets... 
High Hang Squat Snatch

Thursday 1-29-15

Skill & Strength:
Single Arm (SA) Press
*from the lunge position, press with same side as the kneeling leg 
4 x 5 reps each side (use DB or KB) 
Single Leg (SL) Deadlift 
4 x 8 reps each leg 
*hold DBs or KBs at side 

For time...
Run 800 meters
70 situps
60 swings - 53/35 lbs
50 Wall Ball
40 calories rowing
30 OHS - 95/65 lbs
20 Burpees
10 hang cluster - 95/65 lbs

Rest Day 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
3 position Pause Snatch Deadlift 
5 x 3 reps w/ 2 second pause in each position (Just off floor, hang, and power) 
Romanian Deadlifts 
4 x 8 reps

Wednesday 1-28-15

Skill & Strength:
Floor Wipers
3 x 8-10 each side
Coosak Squats
4 x 8-10 each side

"Weakness Wednesday"
Emom: 20 minutes
Goat 1: (barbell or KB movement)
Goat 2: (gymnastic or body weight movement)

3 rounds...
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Rest Day

Tuesday 1-27-15

Skill & Strength:
6 sets...
20 sec hold Hollow Rocks 
-rest 10 sec-
30 sec hold Superman
Back Squats
10 @ 50%
10 @ 60%
10 @ 65%
8 @ 75%
6 @ 80%

3 rounds...
Run 400
12 snatches - 115/85 lbs
21 toes-2-bar

Rest Day

Olympic lifting technique:
4 x 10 reps
Hip Thrusts
4 x 8 reps

Monday 1-26-15

Skill & Strength: 
8 Rounds of 20 seconds - max reps; 20 sec rest 
4 x 8-10 reps each side 

5 Rounds... 
100 Single Jump Ropes 
21 Swings - 53/35 lbs 
12 Burpees 

Run, Row, Bike, Swim 
5 Rounds... 
3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
Max Distance 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
Snatch Balance 
5 x 3 reps 
7 x 2 reps

Saturday 1-24-15

Skill & Strength: 
Every 90 seconds x 10 rounds... 
1 Power clean + 1 Back Squats + 1 OHS  

3 Rounds... 
50 Squats 
12 Toes-2-Bar 
10 Hang Power Snatch - 95/65 lbs 

-rest 2:00- 

15-12-9 reps... 
Swings - 70/53 lbs 
Box Jumps - 24"/20" 

Rest Day 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
Rest Day

Friday 1-23-15

Skill & Strength: 
5 x 20 sec ON - max reps, 40 sec OFF 
Single Leg Deadlift 
4 x 8-10 each leg 

4 Rounds... 
100 Single Jump Ropes 
20 Swings - 53/35 lbs 
15 Hang Squat Cleans - 95/65 lbs 
10 Pushups (hand release at the bottom) 

Run, Swim, Bike, Row 
2 Rounds... 
1 min ON, 1 min OFF 
1 min ON, 50 sec OFF 
1 min ON, 40 sec OFF 
1 min ON, 30 sec OFF 
1 min ON, 20 sec OFF 
1 min ON, 10 sec OFF 
1 min ON. 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
EMOM: 10 minutes 
1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS 
EMOM: 10 minutes 
1 Power Clean + 1 Jerk

Thursday 1-22-15

Skill & Strength: 
Single Arm (SA) Press 
*from the lunge position, press with same side as the kneeling leg 
4 x 5 reps each side (use DB or KB) 
Single Leg (SL) Deadlift 
4 x 8 reps each leg 
*hold DBs or KBs at side 

5 Rounds... 
Run 200 meters 
8 Toes-2-Bar 
10 Thrusters - 95/65 lbs 
12 Box Jumps 

Rest Day 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
position Pause Snatch Deadlift 
5 x 3 reps w/ 2 second pause in each position (Just off floor, hang, and power) 
Romanian Deadlifts 
4 x 8 reps

Wednesday 1-21-15

Skill & Strength:
Floor Wipers
3 x 8-10 each side
Coosak Squats
4 x 8-10 each side

"Weakness Wednesday"
Emom: 20 minutes
Goat 1: (barbell or KB movement)
Goat 2: (gymnastic or body weight movement)

3 rounds...
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Rest Day

Tuesday 1-20-15

Skill & Strength:
Side Plank
2 x max time (alternate sides)
Dragon Flags
2 x max hold
Back Squats
2 x 5 reps @ 70%
2 x 3 reps @ 80%
3 x 1 rep @ 90%

5 rounds...
Run 200 meters
21 wall ball
12 OHS
Row 250 meters 

Rest Day

Olympic lifting technique:
5 x 3 reps @ 85% 1RM of clean
Romanian Deadlift
3 x 10 reps (light w/ perfect form)

Monday 1-19-15

Skill & Strength: 
Strict Pullups 
3 x max reps (2:00 recovery) 
Weighted Step-ups 
4 x 8-10 each side 

3 x 5:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
3 Hang Squat Cleans 
6 Thrusters 
9 Shoulders-2-OH 
12 Box Jumps 
*accumulate as many rounds as possible 

Swim, Bike, Run, Row 
5:00 ON, 2:00 OFF 
6:00 ON, 2:00 OFF 
7:00 ON. 

Olympic Lifting: 
Snatch Balance 
5 x 3 reps (stay light and keep perfect form) 
6 x 2 reps (keep weight light enough to ensure perfect form)

Sunday 1-18-15

Rest Day or Active Recovery: Run, Swim, Bike, Row, Hike, Strecth, Play

Saturday 1-17-15

Skill & Strength: 
Rest Day 

8 Rounds for time...(30 min cap) 
Run 200 meters 
25 Situps 
5 Power Cleans - 135/95 lbs 
10 Plyo Lunges (5R/5L) 
5 Hang Squat Cleans - 135/95 lbs 
15 Wall Ball 

Rest Day 

Olympic Lifting: 
Rest Day

Friday 1-16-15

Skill & Strength:
3 x 10-12 each side
Single Leg Stepups
4 x 8-10 each side

3 rounds...
5 Handstand Pushups
10 pistols (1legged Squats - 5R/5L)
15 pull-ups
12 Deadlifts - 155/105 lbs
9 Hang Power Clean - 155/105 lbs
6 Shoukder-2-OH - 155/105 lbs

Run, Row, Bike, Swim 
4-6 round...
3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic lifting:
7 sets of...
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
7 sets of...
1 high hang clean + 1 mid thigh clean + 1 hang clean

Thursday 1-15-14

Skill & Strength: 
Single Arm (SA) Press 
3 x 8-10 each side 
Single Leg (SL) Deadlift 
3 x 8-10 each side 

5 Rounds... 
Run 200 meters 
15 Swings - 70/53 lbs 
10 Plyo Lunge 
5 Burpees 

Rest Day 

Olympic lifting:
3 position Pause Snatch Deadlift 
5 x 3 reps w/ 2 second pause in each position (Just off floor, hang, and power)
Weighted Hip Bridges 
5 x 5 reps

Wednesday 1-14-15

Skill & Strength: 
Floor Wipers 
3 x 10-12 reps 
5 reps @ 60% 1RM 
2 x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM 
3 x 2 reps @ 80% 1RM 

"Wednesday weakness" 
EMOM: 10-20 minutes 
Odd: Goat A (think strength: a barbell or KB movement) 
Even Goat B (think gymastics: ie: pullups, pistols, HSPU, etc) 

Row 1000 
Bike or Airdyne: 7 min - max distance or caloies 
Run 1 mile 

Olympic Lifting: 
Rest Day

Tuesday 1-13-15

Skill & Strength:
Back Squats
2 x 5 reps @ 70%
2 x 3 reps @ 80%
2 x 1 rep @ 90%
Side Plank
2 x max time (alternate - minimum rest)

Run 400 or Bike 800 or Row 500 meters
21 wall ball
12 hang power snatch - 95/65 lbs

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting:
Press (from the bottom of a jerk)
4 x 4 reps
3 x 8-10 reps

Monday 1-12-15

Skill & Strength: 
Strict Pullups w/ 1 sec pause at the top 
3 x max reps (2:00 rest) 
Back Squats 
5 reps @ 70% 1RM 
2 x 3 reps @ 80% 1RM 
3 x 2 reps @ 90% 1RM 

5 Rounds... 
5 Strict Handstand Pushups (Substitute is decline pushups - feet on bench/box, hands on the floor) 
10 Hang Squat Clean - 95/65 lbs 
15 Toes-2-Bar 
20 Swings - 53/35 lbs 
25 GHD Situps 

8-10 sets... 
90 sec ON, 30 sec OFF 

Olympic lifting: Finish 
Build to a heavy single 
High Hang Snatch
5 x 3 reps 
Build to a heavy single

Sunday 1-11-15

Rest Day

Saturday 1-10-15

Skill & Strength: 
every minute on the minute (EMOM): 12 minutes 
2 Front Squats (increase weight if possible each set) 

4 Rounds (20 min cap) 
7 each KB Clean and Jerk + Lunge - 45/25 lbs 
14 Box Jump Overs 
21 Squat Jumps - 45/35 lbs 
1 set Max Reps - pullups 

Rest Day

Friday 1-9-15

Skill & Strength: 
Handstand Practice (Walks, Holds, or Pushups) 
3 x max effort (2:00 recovery) 
Single Leg Step-ups 
4 x 8-10 each side (weight either in rack position or on shoulders) 

4 Rounds... 
15 Box Jumps 
5 Muslce-ups (substitute is 8 Ring Dips 
8 Hang Power Clean + OH - 115/85 lbs 

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, or Row
3-4 Rounds... 
1 min ON, 30 sec OFF 
2 min ON, 45 sec OFF 
3 min ON, 1 min OFF

Thursday 1-8-15

Skill & Strength: 
Single Arm (SA) Press w/ KB 
5 x 5 reps (Bottoms up, so the bottom of the KB should be pointed at the ceiling the whole time) 
Single Leg (SL) Deadlifts w/ KBs 
3 x 10 each leg 
Side Plank 
2 x max time (alternate side) 

3-4 Rounds... 
10 Dbl KB Clean and Jerks - 35s/18s 
20 steps Lunges w/ KBs at side 
30 Rope Slams (if no ropes are available, substitute is 30' Bear Crawl) 
400 meter Run 

Rest Day and Mobilize

Wednesday 1-7-15

Skill & Strength: 
Floor wipers 
3 x 12-15 reps 
5 reps @ 60% 1RM 
2 x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM 
3 x 2 reps @ 80% 1RM 

2 x 5:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
Row 50 Calories 
35 Situps 
20 Steps Lunges 

4 Rounds of... 
3:00 Airdyne or Bike 
2:00 Run - max distance

Tuesday 1-6-15

Skill & Strength: 
"T" Rotations Pushups 
3 x 10-20 reps 
Weighted Lunges 
4 x 10-12 steps each leg (use DBs) 

7 Rounds... 
7 Push Press - 115/85 lbs 
7 Front Squats - 115/85 lbs 
7 Hang Power Cleans - 115/85 lbs 
7 Burpees 

Rest Day or Mobilize

Monday 1-5-15

Skill & Strength: 
Back Squats 
5 x 5 reps (build up in weight to find a 5 Rep Max) 
3 x Max reps (2:00 recovery) 

4 Rounds... 
Run 400 meters 
15 DB Thrusters - 30/20 lbs 
12 Toes-2-Bar (15 Pike Situps is the modification) 

Pick One: 
Run, Bike, Swim, Row 
10 sets of... 
90 sec ON, 30 sec OFF - max distance

Sunday 1-4-15

Rest Day 
Active Recovery: 
Run, Ride, Swim, Stretch, Hike, Surf...just play and have fun.

Saturday 1-3-15

Via Desert Crossfit... 
2 cycles: 

Station 1 AMRAP: 3:00 
Calories (Row) 

Station 2 AMRAP: 3:00 
7 Hang Squat Cleans - 135/95 lbs 
15 Box Jumps 

Station 3 AMRAP: 3:00 
15 Wall Ball 
15 Knees-2-Elbow

Friday 1-2-15

3 x max reps (2:00 recovery)
Weighted Stepups
3 x 10-12 each leg

3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
5 rounds...
12 thrusters - 95/65 lbs
6 Burpees 
12 Steps OH Lunges - 45/25 lbs

5:00 ON, 2:00 OFF 
6:00 ON, 3:00 OFF
7:00 ON.

Mission Impossible: "courage"

January 2015: Courage

This months challenge is designed to challenge work capacity and recovery.
Should you choose to participate post your scores in the bottom. The workout will begin in 3...2...1...

A. 7 min AMRAP (0:00-7:00)
7 front squats (from the floor) - 155/105#
7 Handstand Pishups (HSPU)

-3 min rest- (7:00-10:00)

B. 8 min AMRAP (10:00-18:00)
7 hang power clean + jerk - 135/95#
14 swings - 70/53 lbs

-3 min rest- (18:00-21:00)

C. 9 min AMRAP (21:00-30:00)
7 thrusters - 115/85#
21 situps

-3 min rest (30:00-33:00)

D. 7 min cap (33:00-40:00)
2 rep max clean (touch and go - power or squat is acceptable)

You may complete this WOD as many times as you want to get your best score. You cannot to use multiple runs to get out best score. And yes you must finish he whole run to have a score. 
For example 
Run 1: 35 reps, 50 reps, 60 reps, 225
Run 2: 40 reps, 45 reps 61 reps, 220

As always: keep it sexy (good looking form) and have fun. 

Thursday 1-1-15

We are back!

Skill & Strength:
Single Arm Press (from the bottom of Lunge)
3 x 7-9 each side
Single leg Deadlift
3 x 8-10 each side

3 rounds...
Run 400 meters
30 squats
25 situps
20 swings - 53/35 lbs
15 Inverted/ Body Rows 
10 push-ups

Rest/ recovery