How to use the site

This program is designed for athletes that have already made it through an introductory program and are ready for the next level.

Push yourself, but never get outside yourself. Be consistent. Make sure that you're trying to attain the posted weights, but understand that these are goals. If you're not able to complete the exercise safely, DECREASE the load. Stay safe. Please post any questions or comments. From here, it's possible.

"Strength & Skill Practice" is to be done at a control pace. Practice form and executing the set with perfect form for the prescribed number of reps. Scale the weights to your own ability level but push yourself. Rest as long as needed to recover between sets.

"Conditioning" is usually done for time. This is not an excuse to let your form diminish. For exercises involving weight and goal or prescribed weight will be provided, but scale back the weight based on your own personal ability level.

"Endurance" are cardiovascular routines designed to work on specific cardiovascular skills. These should be performed with as much intensity as possible (all out efforts).

Monday 11-1-10

Skill Practice:
Overhead Squat
5,5,5,5,5 (try to increase the weight each time. Maintain good form!)

Strength & Conditioning:
As Many Rounds Possible: 15 minutes
12 Thrusters (men 85 lbs, women 55 lbs)
21 Weighted Situps (men 25 lbs, women 15 lbs)
12 Burpees

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
9 minute Time Trial

"I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards." - Abraham Lincoln

Sunday 10-31-10

Rest Day

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - dalai Lama

Saturday 10-30-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
3 Rounds for time...
Run 800 meters
50 Situps
50 Hip Extensions

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
10 Rounds for time...
40 seconds ON, 20 seconds OFF
*these are all out efforts.

Friday 10-29-10

Skill Practice:
3 x Max reps (90 sec recoveries)
2 x Max time (2 minute recovery)

Strength & Stamina
Rest Day

"Threshold test"
Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
5 min ON, 2:30 rest
6 min ON, 3:00 rest
7 min ON.
*record each of the distance individually

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

Thursday 10-28-10

Skill Practice:
Back Squat
7 x 7 reps (pick one weight and try to maintain it for all seven sets)

Strength & Conditioning:
5 Rounds for time...
12 Push Press (men 80 lbs, women 55 lbs)
21 Box Jumps

Pick one mode.
Swim 3 x 6 min (2 min recoveries)
Bike 2 x 20 min (5 minute recoveries)
Run 2 x 10 min (3 min recoveries)
Row 3 x 7 min (2 min recoveries)

"Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence." - Vince Lombardi

Wednesday 10-27-10

Skill Practice:
7,5,5,3,3,3 (try to increase the weight each time. Do NOT let for deviate from perfection.)

Strength & Conditioning:
"Hang on"
For Time...
Row 750 meters
4 Rounds of:
12 Pullups
21 Swings
Row 750 meters

Rest Day

"Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Tuesday 10-26-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
As many rounds possible: 20 minutes
9 Thrusters (men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs)
12 Jumping Lunges (total, not each leg)
15 Situps (not GHD, regular old situps)

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
4 Rounds of...
3 Min ON, 2 Min OFF

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

Monday 10-25-10

Skill Practice:
Push Press
5,5,5,5,5 (try to increase the weight each set)
GHD Situps
3 x 20 reps (Try to perform each set unbroken, all 20 in a row)

Strength & Conditioning:
Rest Day

Pick one mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
Swim 15 minutes Time trial
Bike 30 minutes Time trial
Run 30 minutes Time trial
Row 20 minutes Time trial

"Always do what you are afraid to do." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday 10-24-10

Rest Day

"Choice, not circumstance, determine your success." - Author unknown

Saturday 10-23-10

Skill Practice:
Back Squats
5,5,5,5,5,5 (try to increase the weight each time)

Strength & Conditioning:
KB Swings (men 50 lbs, women 30 lbs)
GHD Situps
Hip Extensions

Rest Day

"Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happens to you in life." = John F. Kennedy

Friday 10-22-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
5 Rounds for time of...
Bear Crawl 100 ft.
Long Jump Back
*After every 5 jumps perform 3 Burpees.

Pick a mode of - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
10 Rounds of...
20 sec ON, 10 sec OFF

"Adversity is the first path to truth" - Lord Byron

Thursday 10-21-10

Skill Practice:
3 x Max Reps (90 sec rest)
3 x Max Reps (90 sec rest)

Strength & Conditioning:
Rest Day

Pick one - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
Swim 600 meters
Bike 12 miles
Run 2 miles
Run 2k meters

"Success doesn't come to go to it." - Marva Collins

Wednesday 10-20-10

Skill Practice:
Overhead Squats
7,7,7,7,7 (try to increase the weight each time.)
3 x Max Reps (3 min recoveries)

Strength & Conditioning:
8 Rounds for max reps
30 seconds ON, 20 seconds OFF
Push Press (men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs)
Box Jumps

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
8 Rounds of...
2 Min ON, 1 Min OFF

"In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

Tuesday 10-19-10

Skill Practice:
Front Squats
5 x 5 reps (pick a weight and try to keep in the same for all five rounds)
2DB Press (one dumbell in each hand. Push them both overhead at the same time without using legs. *keep abs engaged)
3 x Max Reps (3 minute recoveries; men 20 lbs, women 12 lbs)

Strength & Conditioning:
5 Rounds for time...
5 Hang Power Cleans - men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs (bar starts just above knee. Use hips and shrug to pull bar to "rack" position, bar at the chin, elbows high) *protect your back, keep it straight, use your hips!
10 Thrusters
Run 30 Calories or Row 500 meters

Rest Day

"Nothing is easy to the unwilling" - Thomas Fuller

Monday 10-18-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
As Many Rounds as Possible: 20 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Lunges each leg
Long Jump the distance Back

Pick one for for time
Swim 600 meters
Bike 12 miles
Run 5k meters
Row 4k meters

"We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once." - Calvin Coolidge

Sunday 10-17-10

Rest Day

"The beginning is the most important part of the work" - Plato

Satruday 10-17-10

Skill Practice:
GHD Situps
3 x 20 reps (try to get all 20 reps per set unbroken)
Hip Extensions
3 x 20 (Once again, try to perform all 20 reps unbroken)

Strength & Conditioning:
Overhead Squats (men 45 lbs, women 33 lbs)
Hanging Knee Raises

Pick a mode - Swim, bike, Run, Row
10 Rounds of...
30 seconds ON, 20 seconds OFF

"Never look back, unless you're planning on going that way" - Henry David Thoreau

Friday 10-15-10

Skill Practice:
7,5,5,3,3,3 (increase the weight each set if possible)
3 x max reps (3 minute rest)

Strength & Conditioning:
3 Rounds for time...
Row 500 meters
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters

Rest Day

"Talent is God-given. Be Humble. Fame is man given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful." ~ Coach Wooden

Thursday 10-14-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
6 Rounds, 30 seconds ON, 20 seconds OFF of...
SDHP (men 65 lbs, women 45 lbs)
DB Push Press (men 20 lbs, women 12 lbs)
*One 30 second interval at each station is one round. Count total reps to find your score.

Pick one mode...
Swim 4 x 200 meters (2 min rest)
Bike 5 x 1 mile (2 min rest)
Run 4 x 800 meters (2 min rest)
Row 5 x 500 meters (2 min rest)

"Failure is success if we learn from it" - Malcolm Forbes

Wednesday 10-13-10

Skill Practice:
Push Press
7,5,5,3,3,3 (try to increase the reps each set)
HandStand Pushup
3 x Max Reps (3 minute recoveries)

Strength & Conditioning:
Rest Day

Pick one and go.
Swim - 15 minutes
Bike - 40 minutes
Run - 30 minutes
Row - 20 minutes

"Do not let it be your aim to be something, but to be somebody" - Victor Hugo

Tuesday 10-12-10

Skill Practice:
Back Squat
1 x 20. (that's right find your twenty rep max. Push yourself!)

Strength & Conditioning:
As Many Rounds Possible: 20 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
8 Rounds of...
30 seconds ON, 20 seconds OFF
Max Distance.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy.

Monday 10-11-10

Skill Practice:
Work and making pullups as hard as possible so you can only do five reps at a time: this means either less assistance or add weight by holding it between your knees

Strength & Conditioning:
For time...
21 Pullups
Run 400 meters
21 Thrusters (men 80 lbs, women 55 lbs)
Run 800 meters
21 Thrusters (men 80 lbs, women 55 lbs)
Run 400 meters
21 Pullups

Rest Day

Saturday 10-9-10

Skill Practice:
Push Press
2 x 5 reps; 3 x 3 reps. (increase the weight during the seconds group)

Strength & Conditioning:
Rest Day

Pick one mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
As Many Rounds as Possible: 20 minutes
Swim - 50 meters ON, 30 sec rest
Bike - .25 mile ON, 30 sec rest
Run - 200 meters ON, 30 sec rest
Row - 200 meters ON, 30 sec rest

Friday 10-8-10

Skill Practice:
3,3,3,3,3,3 (Increase your weight for each of the six sets. Go heavy find your 3 rep max)
3 x max reps (2 minute recoveries)

Strength & Staminga
For time...
Run 400 meters
40 Lunges
25 Hanging Knees-2-Elbow
25 Pushups (new standard: drop to bottom of pushup, chest on ground. lift both hands off ground momentarily and then pushup)
25 Burpee-Pullups (Do one Burpee then jump and do one pullup, that's one rep)
Run 400 meters

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
20 minute Time Trial

Thrusday 10-7-10

Skill Practice:
GHD Situps 3 x 20
Hip Extensions 3 x 15

Strength & Conditioning:
4 Rounds for time...
21 Swings (men 50 lbs, women 35 lbs)
15 Deadlifts (men 100 lbs, women 75 lbs)
9 Long Jumps

Rest Day

Wednesday 10-6-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
Box Jumps

Pick any mode - Swim, Bike, Row, Run
4 Rounds off
3 minutes ON, 1 min OFF

Tuesday 10-5-10

Skill Practice:
Front Squats
5 x 5 reps (pick a weight and try to maintain it for all five sets)
3 x Max Reps (3 minute recoveries)

Strength & Conditioning:
Rest Day

Pick any mode - Swim, Bike, Run, or Row
1 min ON, 1 min OFF
1 min ON, 45 sec OFF
1 min ON, 30 sec OFF
1 min ON, 15 sec OFF
1 min ON, 30 sec OFF
1 min ON, 45 sec OFF
1 min ON, 1 min OFF
1 min ON.
*Try to get as far as you did for your 9 min Time Trial yesterday.

Monday 10-4-10

Skill Practice:
5 x 5 (Pick a weight and stick with it for all rounds. As heavy as possible)
3 x max reps (3 minute rest between rounds)

Strength & Conditioning:
Deadlifts (men 100 lbs, women 75 lbs)
GHD Situps
Box Jumps

Pick one - Swim, Bike, Row, Run
9 minute Time Trial.

Saturday 10-2-10

Skill Practice:
Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning:
As Many Rounds as Possible 15 minutes...
7 Burpees
5 2DB Cleans (men 25 lbs, women 15 lbs)
3 2DB Thrusters

Pick a mode - Swim, Bike, Run, Row
12 Rounds of...
1 minute ON, 30 seconds OFF