How to use the site

This program is designed for athletes that have already made it through an introductory program and are ready for the next level.

Push yourself, but never get outside yourself. Be consistent. Make sure that you're trying to attain the posted weights, but understand that these are goals. If you're not able to complete the exercise safely, DECREASE the load. Stay safe. Please post any questions or comments. From here, it's possible.

"Strength & Skill Practice" is to be done at a control pace. Practice form and executing the set with perfect form for the prescribed number of reps. Scale the weights to your own ability level but push yourself. Rest as long as needed to recover between sets.

"Conditioning" is usually done for time. This is not an excuse to let your form diminish. For exercises involving weight and goal or prescribed weight will be provided, but scale back the weight based on your own personal ability level.

"Endurance" are cardiovascular routines designed to work on specific cardiovascular skills. These should be performed with as much intensity as possible (all out efforts).

Tuesday 5-31-16

Biceps, Traps, IT bands 

Skill & Strength: 
(SA) DB Bench Incline Press
2-3 x 7-10 reps
KB Figure 8
2-3 x 10-15 reps each side
Front Squat
3 x 5 reps @60%
2 x 3 reps @80% 
2 x 2 reps @85%

4 Rounds: 15:00 Time Cap
21 Russian Swings – 70/53 lbs
15 Box Jumps
9 Clean and Jerks – 115/75 lbs 

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Training:
Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 x 3 reps
BB Bent-Over-Row
5 x 5 reps

Monday 5-30-16

Memorial Day
Today has always been a special day in the Crossfit community. Today we join them in a workout that was written to honor the memory of Lt. Michael Murphy. We remember all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the land of the free and the brave. All give some, some give all.

For Time:
Run 1 mile
100 Pullups
200 push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 mile
*you pay partition the Pullups, push-ups, and squats how ever you'd like. The most common way is 20 sets: 5 Pullups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats
**if you have a 20/14 lb weighted vest wear that too. 

Motivation Monday

Sunday 5-29-16

Recovery Day:
Stretch and mobilize.
Relax and recharge physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Get ready for another week of hard work. 

Saturday 5-28-16

Skill & Strength:
10 (SA) Dlb KBs SOTS press (alternating) 
20 Plank: Clockwalks

6 sets of:
1:30 ON, 1:30 OFF
In each 1:30 interval:
15 knees-2-elbow (RX+ is Pullups; scaled is 21 Situps)
5 Ground-2-OH - 175/115 lbs (scale to a weight that allows for fast singles)
Max reps - Double Unders

Friday 5-27-16

Hip Flexor, Calves, Forarm

Skill & Strength:
Handstand holds
2-3 x Max Time (2:00 recovery)
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side 
(SL) Deadlifts 
3-4 x 10-15 reps

For Time:
4 Rounds of Cindy
15 Clean and Jerk – 115/75 lbs
3 Rounds of Cindy
12 Clean and Jerk – 115/75 lbs
2 Rounds of Cindy
9 Clean and Jerks – 115/75 lbs 

Pick a mode:
Swim, Bike, Run, Row
5 sets of:
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5-7 sets:
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Thursday 5-26-16

Chest, Hips, Adductors

Skill & Strength: 
(SA) DB Row 
2-3 x Max reps (2:00 recovery) 
Floor Wipers 
2-3 x 12-20 reps each side 
Power Snatch 
3-4 x 1.1.1 reps (10 second between reps)

Box Jumps 
KB SDHP – 70/53 lbs 
15-30-15 meters Shuttle Run

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
Good Mornings 
5-7 x 2-3 reps 
Hang Power Clean 
5-7 x 2-3 reps

Wednesday 5-25-16

Choose between completing the skill or conditioning section. Then continue on to the endurance component.

Skill & Strength:
2-3 x 7-10 reps each
Strict Pull-ups
2-3 x 10-12 reps each
2-3 x 3-5 reps each side
Coosak Squats
2-3 x 5-8 reps each side

15 minutes
30 Wall Ball
15 Burpees
30 Russian Swings – 70/53 lbs
15 Cals Row

4 Rounds:
Row 500 meters
Run 400 meters

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Rest Day

Tuesday 5-24-16

Biceps, Traps, IT bands

Skill & Strength: 
(SA) OH Press 
2-3 x 7-10 reps 
KB Figure 8 
2-3 x 10-15 reps each side 
Front Squat 
1 x 5 reps @60% 
1 x 4 reps @70% 
1 x 3 reps @80% 
2 x 2 reps @95%

4 Rounds: 15:00 cap 
30 Double Unders 
20 steps weighted Lunges (goblet style – 15L/15R) – 53/35 lbs 
20 Knees-2-Elbow 
10 Hang Power Cleans – 135/95 lbs 

Rest Day 

Olympic Lifting Training: 
Snatch Grip Deadlift 
5 x 3 reps 
BB Bent-over-row 
5 x 5 reps

Monday 5-23-16

Lats, Rhomboids, Quads

Skill & Strength: 
Waiter Walks w/ weight OH 
2-3 x 100' w/ ASHP (as heavy as possible) 50 meters Left/ 50 Meters Right 
Cable/ Banded Chop 
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side 
Lateral Weighted Step-ups 
2-3 x 6-10 reps each side

3 cycles: 
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
2/1 Muscle-ups 
4/3 Wall Walks 
8 Deadlifts – 275/175 lbs 
16 (SA) KB Thruster (8L/8R) – 53/35 lbs 

Pick ONE mode and perform: 
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
5 x 4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
5-7 sets of: 
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 2 OHS

Monday Motivation

Sunday 5-22-16

Recovery Day:
Stretch and mobilize.
Relax and recharge physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Get ready for another week of hard work.

Saturday 5-21-16

Skill & Strength:
3 sets; not for time
7-10 BB Rollouts
7-10 BB Bent-over-Row

For Time...
20/15 HR Push-ups
3 sets:
5 Deadlifts - 135/95 lbs
5 Hang Power Cleans - 135/95 lbs
5 Shoulder-2-OH - 135/95 lbs
5 Front Squats - 135/95 lbs
30 Situps

Friday 5-20-16

Hip Flexor, Calves, Forarm

Skill & Strength: 
2-3 x Max Reps (2:00 recovery) 
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side 
Bulgarian Squats 
3-4 x 10-15 reps

AMRAP: 12 minutes 
8 (SA) DB Snatch R + OH Lunge R – 45/25 lbs 
8 (SA) DB Snatch L + OH Lunge L – 45/25 lbs 
12 HR Push-ups 
16 Box Jump Overs – 24/20” 
25-50-25 Shuttle Run

Pick a mode:
Swim, Bike, Run, Row 
5 sets of: 
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5-7 sets:
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Thursday 5-19-16

Chest, Hips, Adductors

Skill & Strength: 
(SA) DB Row 
2-3 x Max reps (2:00 recovery) 
Floor Wipers 
2-3 x 12-20 reps each side 
Snatch Grip Deadlifts 
3-4 x 7 reps 

4 cycles 
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
2/1 Rope Climb 
12 Front Squats – 115/75 lbs 
12/9 Ring Dips 
21 KB Swings – 53/35 lbs 
*restart where you left off (max rounds) 

Rest Day 

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
Good Mornings 
5-7 x 2-3 reps 
Hang Power Snatch 
5-7 x 2-3 reps

Wednesday 5-18-16

Choose between completing the skill or conditioning section. Then continue on to the endurance component.
Skill & Strength: 
2-3 x 7-10 reps each 
Handstand holds 
2-3 x 30-60 seconds 
2-3 x 3-5 reps each side 
Coosak Squats 
2-3 x 5-8 reps each side

Ladder up X 1 rep each round
7:00 AMRAP 
Heavy Thrusters – 135/95 lbs 
High Box Jumps – 30/24’ 
(1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc for 7:00)
-Rest 2:00-
7:00 AMRAP 
40 Double Unders 
30 Knees-2-Elbow 
20 steps Lunges w/ 1KB in rack position – 53/35 lbs

For Time...
Row 2000 meters 
Bike 2 miles 
Run .75 miles (3-5% incline)

Olympic Lifting Technique: 
Rest Day

Tuesday 5-17-16

Biceps, Traps, IT bands

Skill & Strength: 
(SA) DB OH Press 
2-3 x 7-10 reps 
Cable Chops 
2-3 x 10-15 reps each side 
Front Squat 
1 x 5 reps @60% 
1 x 4 reps @70% 
1 x 3 reps @80% 
1 x 2 reps @90% 
1 x Max Reps @75%

For Time: 15:00 Time Cap 
60 Situps 
25 OHS – 95/65 lbs 
25 KB SDHP – 70/53 lbs 
Row 800/600 meters 
25 OHS 
 60 Situps

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Training:
Power Cleans 
5 x 3 reps 
BB Bent-over-row 
5 x 5 reps

Monday 5-16-16

Lats, Rhomboids, Quads

Skill & Strength:
Waiter Walks
2-3 x 100' w/ ASHP (as heavy as possible)
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
2-3 x 6-10 reps each side

4 Rounds: 17:00 cap
Run 300 meters
12 Deadlifts – 255/165 lbs
12 Burpee-Toes2Bar (1 reps is 1 Burpee+1 T2B)

Pick ONE mode and perform:
3 x 4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
3 x 7:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
3 x 5:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
3 x 5:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5-7 sets of:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS + 1 Snatch Balance

Motivation Monday

Sunday 5-15-16

Recovery Day:
Stretch and mobilize.
Relax and recharge physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Get ready for another week of hard work.

Saturday 5-14-16

Skill & Strength:
3 sets:
10 Pistols
10 hollow body to L-sit

A. 5:00 Time Cap
3 rounds:
30 Situps
10 hang snatch - 95/65 lbs
Max reps (MR) - OHS - 95/65 lbs

B. 5:00 Time Cap
3 rounds:
20 Plyo Lunges
10 hang cleans + jerk - 115/75 lbs
MR - front squats - 115/75 lbs

C. 5:00 Time cap
3 rounds:
10 Burpees
10 Deadlifts - 135/95 lbs
MR - power cleans - 135/95 lbs

*2:00 between each station

Friday 5-13-16

Hip Flexor, Calves, Forarm

Skill & Strength:
Handstand holds
2-3 x Max Time (2:00 recovery)
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
(SL) Deadlifts
3-4 x 10-15 reps

4 Rounds for time (17:00)
9 Ring Dips
15 Box Jumps
9 Squat Cleans – 135/95 lbs
25' Bear Crawls

Pick a mode: Swim, Bike, Run, Row
5 sets of:
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5-7 sets:
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Thursday 5-12-16

Chest, Hips, Adductors

Skill & Strength:
(SA) DB Snatch
2-3 x Max reps (2:00 recovery)
Floor Wipers
2-3 x 12-20 reps each side
3-4 x 7 reps

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps (20:00 Time Cap)
Deadlifts - 225/155 lbs
Steps OH Lunges (each Leg) - 45/25 lbs
Situps x 2 reps

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Good Mornings
5-7 x 2-3 reps
Hang Power Snatch
5-7 x 2-3 reps

Wednesday 5-11-16

Choose between completing the skill or conditioning section. Then continue on to the endurance component.

Skill & Strength:
2-3 x 7-10 reps each
Strict Toes-2-Bar
2-3 x 10-12 reps each
2-3 x 3-5 reps each side
Coosak Squats
2-3 x 5-8 reps each side

AMRAP: 14 minute5 Hang Power Cleans + Jerk – 135/95 lbs
10 C2B Pull-ups
20 Double Unders (RX is unbroken)
15-30-15 meter Shuttle Run

For Time...
Row 1500 meters
Bike 2 miles
Run 1.25 mile

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Rest Day

Tuesday 5-10-16

Biceps, Traps, IT bands

Skill & Strength:
(SA) DB Bench Press
2-3 x 7-10 reps
Cable Chops
2-3 x 10-15 reps each side
Back Squat
1 x 5 reps @60%
1 x 4 reps @70%
1 x 3 reps @80%
1 x 2 reps @90%
1 x Max Reps @75%

3 cycles of:
5:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
10 Burpees
20 K2E
30 Wall Ball
40 Russian Swings – 70/53 lbs
*restart where you left off

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Training: 
Clean Pulls
5 x 3 reps
BB Bent-over-row
5 x 5 reps

Monday 5-9-16

Lats, Rhomboids, Quads

Skill & Strength:
Farmers Carry
2-3 x 100' w/ ASHP (as heavy as possible)
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
Lateral Weighted Step-ups
2-3 x 6-10 reps each side

3 Rounds: (17:00 cap)
Row/Run 300 meters
20 Box Jump Overs
10 Hang Squat Snatch – 115/75 lbs 

Pick ONE mode and perform:
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
5 x 4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5-7 sets of:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS + 1 Snatch Balance

Monday Motivation

Sunday 5-8-16

Recovery Day:
Stretch and mobilize.
Relax and recharge physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Get ready for another week of hard work.

Saturday 5-7-16

Skill & Strength:
3 Rounds...
Farmers Carry 100'
Waiter Walks 100'

AMRAP: 20 minutes
Run 200 meters w/ MB
7 Hang Power Snatch – 115/75 lbs
15 Knees-2-Elbow
25 Wall Ball

Friday 5-6-16

Hip Flexor, Calves, Forarm

Skill & Strength:
2-3 x Max Reps (2:00 recovery)
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
(SL) Deadlifts
3-4 x 10-15 reps

4 Rounds for Time: 17:00 cap
9 Clean and Jerks – 115/75 lbs
12 Thrusters – 115/75 lbs
15 Toes-2-Bar

Pick a mode: Swim, Bike, Run, Row
5 sets of:
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5 sets:
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Thursday 5-5-16

Chest, Hips, Adductors

Skill & Strength:
DB Rows
2-3 x Max reps (2:00 recovery)
Floor Wipers
2-3 x 12-20 reps each side
Power Snatch
5 x 1.1.1 reps (10 second between reps) 

AMRAP: 10 minutes
20 steps OH Lunges – 45/25 lbs
15 Pullups
10 Swings – 70/53 lbs
5 Deadlifts – 275/185 lbs

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Good Mornings
5-7 x 2-3 reps
3-position Pause Clean Grip Deadlifts
5-7 x 2-3 reps

Wednesday 5-4-16

Choose between completing the skill or conditioning section. Then continue on to the endurance component.

Skill & Strength:
2-3 x 7-10 reps each
Strict Pull-ups
2-3 x 10-12 reps each
2-3 x 3-5 reps each side
Coosak Squats
2-3 x 5-8 reps each side

4 cycles of:
4:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
30 Wall Ball
20 KB SDHP – 70/53 lbs
30 Situps
20 Box Jumps
Run 100 meters (50 meters out and back)

For Time...
Row 1000 meters
Bike 2 miles
Run 1 mile

Olympic Lifting Technique:
Rest Day

Tuesday 5-3-16

Biceps, Traps, IT bands

Skill & Strength:
(SA) OH Press
2-3 x 7-10 reps
Cable Chops
2-3 x 10-15 reps each side
Front Squat
1 x 6 reps @60%
2 x 4 reps @70%
3 x 3 reps @80%

2016 Masters Online Qualifier #4
For Time…
55 Burpees
34 OHS
21 Muscle-ups
(men 95#; 55+ 75#)
(women 65#; 55+ 55#)

Rest Day

Olympic Lifting Training:
5 x 3 reps
BB Bent-over-row
5 x 5 reps

Monday 5-2-16

Lats, Rhomboids, Quads

Skill & Strength:
2-3 x Max Reps (2:00 recovery)
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
Weighted Step-ups
2-3 x 6-10 reps each side

2016 Masters Online Qualifier #3
Complete AMRAP: 15 minutes
55 double-under
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 hang power cleans
(men 155#; 55+ 135#)
(women 105#; 55+ 95#)

Pick ONE mode and perform:
5 x 4:00 ON, 1:30 OFF
5 x 5:00 ON, 1:30 OFF
5 x 4:00 ON, 1:30 OFF
5 x 4:00 ON, 1:30 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique:
5-7 sets of:
1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS + 2 steps OH Lunge

Monday Motivation