How to use the site

This program is designed for athletes that have already made it through an introductory program and are ready for the next level.

Push yourself, but never get outside yourself. Be consistent. Make sure that you're trying to attain the posted weights, but understand that these are goals. If you're not able to complete the exercise safely, DECREASE the load. Stay safe. Please post any questions or comments. From here, it's possible.

"Strength & Skill Practice" is to be done at a control pace. Practice form and executing the set with perfect form for the prescribed number of reps. Scale the weights to your own ability level but push yourself. Rest as long as needed to recover between sets.

"Conditioning" is usually done for time. This is not an excuse to let your form diminish. For exercises involving weight and goal or prescribed weight will be provided, but scale back the weight based on your own personal ability level.

"Endurance" are cardiovascular routines designed to work on specific cardiovascular skills. These should be performed with as much intensity as possible (all out efforts).

Monday 5-22-17

Lats, Rhomboids, Quads

Skill & Strength: (Lower Body Emphasis) 
DBL KB front rack Step-up
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
KB Figure 8
2-3 x 8-12 reps each side
Front Squats
3-4 x 3-5

AMRAP: 12 minutes 
Row 25/20 Cals
20 KB Snatch (10L/10R) - 53/35 lbs
15 Deadlifts - 185/135 lbs

Pick ONE mode and perform...
5 x 2:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
5 x 3:00 ON, 1:00 OFF 
5 x 2:00 ON, 1:00 OFF
5 x 2:30 ON, 1:00 OFF

Olympic Lifting Technique: (Snatch Accessory Work)
Snatch Balance
3-5 x 3-4 reps 
Pause Snatch Pull (pause just off floor, hang, power, then stand)
3-5 x 2-3 reps

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